Operation Siso
The fight against illegal fishing in the Mediterranean Sea

In September 2018, Sea Shepherd launched Operation Siso in partnership with Italian authorities and support from the Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund and Smile Wave to tackle Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Aeolian Archipelago. On the first campaign, Sea Shepherd’s vessel M/V Sam Simon together with Lipari’s Coast Guard, Milazzo’s Revenue and Customs Authorities, and with the collaboration of artisanal fishermen, confiscated 52 fads (Fish Aggregating Devices) and 100 kilometers of polypropylene line in the Aeolian Islands in 178 hours. Each year since then, Sea Shepherd has returned to the Mediterranean Sea to focus on the use of illegal driftnets and other deadly fishing gear off the west coast of Italy, with help from the Conrad and the M/Y Sea Eagle of the Sea Shepherd fleet.